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Business case for Web standards Wiki
For the next time you find yourself in a discussion or meeting where we need to justify using Web standards
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High-Res Grunge Ink Splatter Brushes
Grab a new set of High-Res Grunge Ink Splatter Photoshop Brushes at Bittbox.
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Animated Collapsible DIV
This script collapses any DIV on the page and lets users manually toggle its appearance via a smooth "Web 2.0 style" animation.
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Pingdom Full Page Test
Free online tool that checks your page's load time. It mimics the way a page is loaded in a web browser.
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Rainbow 9: Web based Builder
Azer Koçulu has created an open source tool, Rainbow 9, that simplifies developing web interfaces.
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Video Editing 2.0: 8 Ways to Remix Online Videos
A brief look at some online video editing tools from Josh Catone of Read/Write/Web
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10 CSS Trick You May Not Know
Trenton Moss of Webcredible shares some of his top tips to help you get the most from your CSS.
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Ext Accordion Control
Very flexible, supports features such as drag and drop, can be embedded anywhere in your application, including as a floating widget.
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bgcolor follies
If you forget to set your site's background color, your visitors may do it for you. A mini-photo gallery. Collect your own!